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Beach Read

I can’t lie, I was extremely nervous to start this book. I was obsessed with People We Meet On Vacation and didn’t know how any other book would follow it. Emily Henry proved me wrong by writing a book that was just as good and made me fall in love with yet ANOTHER fictional character.

I thought the concept of this book was great and loved reading this author's book about authors. It was also so well done how she had our main female main character January’s personal crisis inspire her final novel at the end of the book. Henry does such an amazing job by making every piece of information in the book relevant and every time I read one of her books, I know any information she puts in there has a purpose.

I can’t tell you how she does it, but Henry always does a phenomenal job creating complex characters with real feelings and emotions. Getting to put the puzzle pieces of the characters together to understand why it’s so easy for one to fall in love when the other doesn’t believe in it seems impossible, but she does it with ease. At times I found myself thinking I was reading about real people and not just words that had been printed on paper.

After reading this, I will spend the rest of my life trying to live in the moment, the “happily for now”, understanding that happiness is a feeling that comes and goes like the rest of them. That because there will always be low times, it’s especially important to hold onto the high ones for as long as you can.

P.s: I’m not sure if it’s possible to sue an author for emotional damage caused by falling in love with a man that isn’t real, but if I could, Henry would be served.

Book Rating: 5/5

Spice Rating: 3/5

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